a winter Tuesday midday list
-walked to Sparrow Art Supply
-passed over the bridge and checked out the gloriously roaring winter falls along with the frozen over rocks and vegetation below the falls
-noticed Sparrow’s new extra sign
-walked down the steps to Sparrow
-overheard an artist talking to the owner about straightedges and triangles
-checked out the the Magenta exhibit in Sparrow’s back room
-fell in love with a small painting and decided to buy it
-paid for my painting and used my rewards credit
-handed in the Valentine’s card I decorated — it will be sent to someone and I’ll receive one decorated by someone else — all of the cards will be in a digital show
-the artist who had been talking about straightedges asked to see my card
-agreed to let the painting I purchased stay in the exhibition until it closed unless the artist could bring in a replacement piece
-went into the Main Street secondhand store and nosed around
-returned a book to the library
-found two new books
-Renee the librarian said hello and I told her about the great book of short stories I had just read that Haley the librarian had recommended
-Renee asked the name of the book — I told her it was called “Seven Empty Houses”
-Haley stuck her head up from the back desk and talked to us about how great the book was
-told Renee I was just now checking out a book that was one of her recommendations
-was going to go for a walk but the sun decided to take a nap so I walked down to the Stone Mill for coffee instead — they were closed — intermittent winter hours
-walked up to the Little Seed cafe — they were closed because of work being done on the coffee roaster
-because of these closures I decided to walk to the co-op to get coffee and a snack
-ran into my friend who works in the cheese section — had a good chat for a while
-paid for my stuff and decided to sit inside and read and snack
-overheard an artist at another table talking to a customer about sales tax
-explained some sales tax particulars to her after her customer left
-she ended up joining me at my table
-I did an impromptu Wise Ask reading for her
-she was delighted by the in-depth reading
-we talked more and discovered we had a mutual friend on my old street (who died last year) — a friend people often mistook me for (and she for me)
-she also used to have a studio in the building I currently live in — it was across the hall from my apartment
-we exchanged contact info
-watched the final two episodes of “Climb”
Cinse Bonino