Cinse writes poetry nonstop. Poems land on her head when she wakes up in the morning. She is a former professor with a background in education, creativity, and the psychology of human learning. She is addicted to capturing the human experience in words. Cinse has designed and taught Creativity, Communication, and Writing courses at the college level; presented on the interplay of cognition, neurons, and Creativity at the Marconi Institute’s Creativity Conference in Bologna, Italy; written a book on Creativity, with a preface by Martin Cooper – inventor of the cell phone; attended the Harvard Mind, Brain, and Education Institute; written books and conducted workshops and individual awareness sessions on fear and relationships; and has worked as a creative and educational consultant. Cinse grew up under the combined influence of a mechanical engineer father and an artist/designer mother. Cinse has a deep and abiding love of authenticity and though she highly respects physicists, she believes linguists might just save this world. Learn more about Cinse at

Medium member since October 2021
Cinse Bonino

Cinse Bonino

Cinse, a former professor with a background in the psychology of human learning, writes nonstop, and is addicted to capturing the human experience in words.