Back the F*ck Up. Please.
I am not a joiner. I don’t like doing anything at a set time based on a set schedule. I no longer work for a living. I have nowhere I have to be except for where I want to be. Okay, I do make appointments for getting my teeth cleaned or my eyes checked but no, I do not want to join your yoga class. I do yoga at home. I don’t want to go hear someone tell me how to do something I already know how to do well and enjoy doing on my own. I really don’t want to come to any party at your house if it’s about selling something to me. I’ll gladly lend or give you some cash if you’re hard-up at the moment. If you feel weird about me doing that, maybe we’re not close enough for you to expect me to buy something that I don’t need from you. If you have a craft business and I like your stuff, I will buy it, but only if I like it. Only if it’s to my taste. I might think it’s beautiful but not for me. No, I don’t want to buy the book you recommend to me about creativity. I’m comfortable with my creative practice. You can assume I’m stuck-up or cocky. That’s your choice. Don’t try to guilt me into doing anything I don’t want to do. It will not work. I’m a nice person. I do nice things for lots of people. Those nice things may not look like the nice things that you do, or like the nice things you think everyone else, including me, should do. I don’t care. Seriously. I don’t. I am smart. I am creative. I am weird. I am kind. I care about people. I know that I don’t know everything. I also know that I’ve lived long enough to make choices based on my own value system not yours or anybody else’s. Stay out of my bedroom and my brain.
Unless you’re invited.
Cinse Bonino