Control & Blame
Control and Blame often meet up for drinks. They prefer bourbon or any other hard liquor with an aftertaste, pleasant or not. They usually arrive at their favorite establishment around midday as mornings and evenings are busy times for each of them. They like to compare notes. They always end up smoking in the alley afterwards. Control chain smokes unfiltered cigarettes. Each butt fuels his ability to spew more acrid air into the atmosphere. Blame chews and puffs on cigars. The resulting funk curls into nostrils for miles and never seems to dissipate. They argue constantly about which humans are more misguided. They talk about the fine print in their contracts. Yes, even these quasi deities must follow the dictates of a bigger and more powerful entity. Blame has to go everywhere she is invited or sent. She’s not allowed to leave until she is evicted. No exceptions. Control must pretend to cede his powers to others but to never actually give them up. He is also required to call Blame in for an assist if someone points him in a new direction. They enjoy working together. They especially like the large amount of job security they have.