Little Alterations
I have a cute, little, cotton tunic I bought secondhand. It’s just about long enough to wear as a dress. I wear it in the privacy of my home. Yes, I am a woman-of-a-certain-age who wears house dresses. Unfortunately I have always felt overheated when I wear it. (Back away — this has nothing to do with my woman-of-a-certain-age status.) I couldn’t figure out why I would feel hot because the tunic is made of really thin cotton. I kept giving it another chance. You know the way we sometimes blindly believe something will eventually be different even if we don’t change anything? One day, shortly after my new upscale sewing shears had come in the post, (we women of a certain age do have our pleasures), I decided to cut off the sleeves. Fortunately for me they were sewn onto the shoulders in a manner that made it easy to cut them off without causing the fabric to unravel. Success! I no longer felt hot while wearing it. I now had the perfect summer house dress. This got me thinking about how sometimes you don’t have to change everything; sometimes the smallest change can make the biggest difference.
Cinse Bonino