Reduce Speed Ahead
Sometimes we move too fast. We’re in a hurry. Maybe we don’t know if we can get where we’re trying to go. We’re unsure so we go extra fast ignoring everything around us. Full speed ahead, eyes on the prize. Isn’t that what they tell us to do? Isn’t that what we value most, making up our mind and going for it? What about the people we’re plowing through or ignoring in our hurry to get where we want to be? Or think we have to be. Or think others expect us to be. Or are afraid not to be. What about the scenery? Not the smell the roses kind, but the maybe we should have taken a turn back there kind. And what about our breath? Has it grown stale gripped tightly in our throats during our mad dash? What about our soul? How could we have rushed off without it? What will we say to it when it catches up to us? How can we be ourselves without it? Pause people. This time look. See. Notice. Choose wisely. Slowly. With care.