Sometimes you just need to fart.
Elimination can be tricky. There can be a moment when you absolutely feel as if you need to move your bowels. All the signs are there. The pressure. That feeling of needing to rid yourself of something that is taking up space that it shouldn’t. You walk into the bathroom totally convinced you’re going to do the deed. You sit down. You check the toilet paper roll. Maybe you even bring in a book or a magazine. You’re prepared. You’re ready. You believe you’re on a mission to do what needs to be done. Then you fart. And that’s it. There’s nothing more. All you needed to do was release a little pressure. If you’re stubborn, if you don’t want to be wrong, you might strain and push and try to empty your bowels. This isn’t a healthy thing to do. In fact, you might end up with hemorrhoids. Or, just become very irritated inside. Aren’t we humans funny? So often, being right becomes more important to us than anything else. We can learn a lot from these types of farts. There are a lot of other areas in life when sometimes a little fart is all we need, when there’s no need for a huge dump.