Sound Advice
I had a premonition today. About my mother’s bank account. No, I’m not trying to steal from her. My mother has dementia and her money is funneled into a trust that pays the expenses for the memory center facility where she lives. The funds left in her personal bank account cannot exceed $2000 per month. She loses her Medicaid approval if they do. It’s a whole thing. A string of dominoes would fall making her ineligible for having all of her expenses covered at a reduced rate.
There was a blue moon this month. It was last night. Social Security got in on that action by depositing September’s check on the 31st of the month. A double hit. Nice to have two full moons. A big problem to receive two Social Security checks in the same month. I found out I had to send in an authorization form for funds to be pulled from my mother’s account and sent to the trust within an hour or disaster would strike. The wonderful people at the agency who manage her trust walked me through what I needed to do. It’s done now. All is good.
Thank goodness I listened to my inner voice. The same one that used to whisper to me when my son was an infant. Here’s the thing though. The voice started whispering yesterday. I wrote myself a note last night to look at my mother’s account today. Somehow my inner voice knows that these days it sometimes takes me longer to listen. It also seems to know exactly what my lag time is. If I had looked at my mother’s bank account yesterday, all would still have appeared to be fine. The deposit would not yet have hit her account. I had to look at it today. I had to look at it in time to get the paperwork done before noon today. I completed the process of talking with the agency and finalizing the paperwork at about 11:30 AM.
Don’t tell me the world isn’t a magical place.
Cinse Bonino