Toe Jam
One of the first things I did as the new year arrived was to put a hitch in my kiddy-up, as my dad used to say. I banged my pinky toe into a table leg. My toe was wrenched to the right. I grabbed it and wrenched it back. Pure instinct. Not sure if it was a good or a bad thing to do but it felt right. I put some ice on it. Not for long, I’m a baby. I have also been anointing it with arnica ointment. It has turned lovely colors, as did the top of my foot near the toe. Hurt bones really hurt. Pain makes you tired and weak. Here’s the thing… my toe is teaching me not to worry about any superficial imperfections my body may have. “Imperfections” is such a bizarre concept to begin with. We were not conceived to be perfect nor to all be the same. I’m so grateful I can stay home for several days and mostly stay off of my foot. Grateful that I don’t have to wear shoes or bear the pain. It’s healing nicely. Of course I’m not on a bullet train back to health. It’s more of a local that rattles into each new station along the way. That’s okay. I did this to my other pinky toe about a year and a half ago. My toe and I just need time to get ourselves to where we are going.
Cinse Bonino