detail from “L’Anguicrinita” Firenza 1994

types of heart attacks

Cinse Bonino


violent verbal grenade -
difficult to ignore everything
is blown to hell but unlike
Humpty Dumpty you can
put yourself back together
again but it will take a while

sudden onset ax -
the intense pain is sometimes
deceptively exquisite because
it causes you to feel so intensely
you may even look longingly over
your shoulder as you run away

chastising chisel -
repetitive chipping that will drive
you crazy but is so small you will
think it’s all in your head and they
will tell you that it is and slowly
you will begin to believe them

various types of pillows -
a large one too heavy to push away
that closes off your air supply or
a soft one they call affection but is
actually an assault or a spongy one
that sucks out every drop of hope

Cinse Bonino



Cinse Bonino

Cinse, a former professor with a background in the psychology of human learning, writes nonstop, and is addicted to capturing the human experience in words.