Weird and Wired Have the Same Letters
I don’t think my friends know how weird I actually am. My son and I, and now my new daughter-in-law too, consider “weird” to be a good thing. I’m not so sure that’s true in most families. This morning after I had finished combing out my just-washed hair I went to put a long strand I found on my shoulder into the bathroom trash. I stopped because I had put the other loose hairs I had found in the trash container sitting in the hallway by the door waiting to be taken out. Why? Because I didn’t want to “break up the family”. I cracked myself up. I have these types of thoughts all the time. I share many of them with my friends. And with strangers too. People often laugh. Sometimes though they do give me a silent, you-belong-in-a-locked-ward, kind of stare. Many of my friends assume I blurt out everything I’m thinking. They have no idea how much is in there. I don’t like airports with loud news shows blaring misinformation. I really enjoy quiet. Maybe it’s partly because there’s so much going on inside of me. But don’t get me wrong, I love it. I enjoy it. It helps me to process my world. It entertains me. And whenever I meet someone, whether in a novel, movie, Netflix series, or in real life, I get very excited if they show me a little of their weirdness. Especially if it’s smart weirdness. That’s my favorite kind.
Cinse Bonino